Pubs on 167 Bus Line
This line is operated by Prague Public Transport (DPP). A journey planner is here.
Nádražní 61/116, Prague 150 00 New pub opened March 2017. Walk thru the archway and the pub is at the back of the courtyard. | |
Stroupežnického 20, Prague 150 00 If you have to have some Radegast tankovna this is the place to go. | |
Nádražní 59/112, Prague 150 00 Pub and restaurant that serves tankovna Budvar and beers from Pivar Antoš | |
Preslova 353/1, Prague 150 00 Pilsner Urquell tankovná and beers from Pivovarsky Dvůr Zvikov | |
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