The following are new entries in the Guide for 2017.
Elišky Peškové 79/9, Prague 150 00 Pub from the Galerie piva bottle shop people. Mostly top fermented beers from newer Czech breweries. | |
Březinova 451/21, Prague 186 00 New Bad Flash pub in the Karlín district. | |
Nádražní 61/116, Prague 150 00 New pub opened March 2017. Walk thru the archway and the pub is at the back of the courtyard. | |
Náměstí Míru 1221/4, Prague 120 00 Burger restaurant with some interesting beers. | |
Sokolovská 467/114, Prague 186 00 Mexican themed pub and restaurant with rotating taps. | |
Bělehradská 1187/44, Prague 120 00 Pub serving mostly lagers from small Czech breweries. Cold pub snacks available (e.g., cheese and sausages) | |
Soukenická 1192/17, Prague 110 00 Tap room for the Hostomice brewery | |
Jindřišská 5, Prague 110 00 Old school video games and pinball and some decent beer. Únětice 10° & 12º plus Pilsner Urquell and a rotating tap. | |
Balbínova 529/1, Prague 120 00 Newish pub specializing in Czech craft beer. | |
Blanická 1008/28, Prague 120 00 Beers from Chotěboř and small regional breweries, | |
Bubenečská 321/33, Prague 160 00 New brewpub. Beers now brewed in house but they still have guest beers. | |
Třeboradická 19, Prague 182 00 Neighborhood pub with 5 rotating taps from small breweries. | |
Klíčovská 805/11, Prague 190 00 a/k/a Beznoska Minipivovar. Restaurant with a brewery. | |
Na Veselí 702/48, Prague 140 00 Locals pub with beers with four taps from Bernard and three rotating taps. | |
Štěpánská 3, Prague 120 00 Same owners as U Vodoucha and U Slovanske Lipy and pretty much identical layout of the pub. More taps, though. | |
Vinohradská 1241/67, Prague 120 00 Burger restaurant with beers from Pivovarská Uhříněves | |