These are pubs that we haven't yet visited (or haven't visited recently) but have been recommended by readers. If you have been to any of them, please leave some comments.
Dělnická 32, Prague 170 00 Bottle shop specializing in American beers with three taps. | |
Na Pecích 1044, Prague 182 00 After years of contract brewing, Bad Flash now has their own brewery and tap room. | |
Rohanské nábř. 657/9, Prague 186 00 Bottle shop specializing in Nordic beers. Uncertain if onsite drinking is allowed. |  |
Francouzská 92, Prague 101 00 Bottle shop with five taps. Acts as a tap room for Wild Cock Brewery. |  |
Mladoboleslavská 1122, Prague 197 99 Brewpub near the airport. |  |
Jugoslávských partyzánů 33, Prague 160 00 Technically a private club, they sell two week memberships for 20 Kč (about one US dollar). While mostly a place for spirits they do have three hand pumps with interesting beers. | |
Bulharská 734/28, Prague 101 00 Tap room of the Ferdinand brewery. | |
Želivecká 1, Prague 106 00 Tap room and beer garden for the WildCock brewery. Open year round. | |
Hornoměcholupská 755/115, Prague 109 00 Second brewery by Hostivar opened in April 2017. | |
Nad Kolčavkou 907/8, Prague 190 00 |  |
Jankovcova 12, Prague 170 00 |  |
Údolní 212/1, Prague 147 00 | |
Libuňská 631/2, Prague 193 00 Suburban brewpub near the Horní Počernice train station. | |
Do Klukovic 305, Prague 152 00 Suburban brewpub opened Feb 2020 | |
K tržišti 14/4, Prague 155 00 Brewpub in a former cinema. | |
Katovicka 410/6, Prague 180 00 Suburban brewpub | |
U Kunratického lesa 1801, Prague 148 00 Suburban brewpub opened in 2018 | |
Žitomírská 42, Prague 101 00 Music pub with a nice garden |  |
Tomanova 1028/1, Prague 169 00 Restaurant in Ladronka Park with a "Brewery in a Container" | |